Our annual long distance racing weekend that takes us to places round the southern islands of Loch Lomond that we don’t get to see too often in our normal club racing. The intention is that two races (one each day starting around midday) will be equivalent to the distance of a marathon and crews need to be ready and equipped for a long day’s racing with perhaps up to six hours continually on the water on Saturday.
There will be a Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for the weekend. We often find Saturday night turning into a great social occasion, sharing stories from the day with coals on the BBQ and a bonfire down the beach.
There are three trophies to be won by club members:
- Lomond Isles Cup for first dinghy
- Challenge Cup for first keelboat
- Cadet Trophy for the first Junior member
As part of our 150th Celebration Year, LLSC would like to extend the invitation to this event to visitors. If you are interested in attending the event, please contact sailingcaptain@lochlomondsc.co.uk for further information.
Visitor entry can be made on the day as follows:
- Double-handed £20
- Single-handed £10
If visitors wish to stay on site over the weekend, they should contact secretary@lochlomondsc.co.uk to confirm if space is available. There will be an additional charge of £20/night for campervans, or £5/night for tents. No special catering will be available, but the teashop is open after racing and the BBQ will be lit for people to cook their own food in the evening.
First start will be 1300 on both days.